23 iun. 2010

Sambata 19 iunie in Centrul de Educatie non-Formala s-a desfasurat sedinta interpretativă a Asociatiei Interdisciplinare de Psihanaliza Aplicata. 

AIPsA este o comunitate de discutii si de gandire psihanalitica, care are in vedere intalnirea sub auspicii favorabile a psihanalizei cu lumea culturala.

AIPsA se apleaca asupra diverselor domenii ca : literatura, arta, religie, mitologie, istorie, ideologie, sociologie, filosofie politica, lingvistica, arhitectura si urbanism, neurostiinte, simbolistica, etnologie, folclor, psihologia popoarelor, istoria civilizatiei, istoria ideilor etc.

La sedintele asociatiei iau parte psihanalisti, psihoterapeuti, psihologi, psihiatri, medici, scriitori, critici literari, de teatru, de film si de arta, pictori, regizori si actori de teatru si film, antropologi, istorici, filosofi, personalitati ale lumii culturale, numerosi studenti.

Participantii au urmarit in CEnF prezentarea filmului de animatie Incredibilii (regizor Brad Bird, 2004) si interpretarea psihologului si psihoterapeutului Alice Tientan Ling, intervenind cu propriile observatii si interpretări.

Interpretarea a avut in vedere momentele importante ale filmului, ca si „citirea” în cheie psihanalitică a filmului, interpretarea simbolică a personajelor (Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Frozone şi Incrediboy / Syndrome) si a puterilor speciale cu care sunt investite.

Mr. Incredible (A.K.A. Bob Parr), and his wife Helen (A.K.A. Elastigirl), are the world's greatest famous crime-fighting superheroes in Metroville. Always saving lives and battling evil on a daily basis. But fifteen years later, they have been forced to adopt civilian identities and retreat to the suburbs where they have no choice but to retire of being a superhero and force to live a "normal life" with their three children Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack (who were secretly born with superpowers). Itching to get back into action, Bob gets his chance when a shadowy government organization summons him to a remote island for a top secret assignment. But all is not as it seems, and Bob will find himself trapped by Syndrome, an embittered enemy who in his youth once idolized Mr. Incredible - and only his family will be able to save him now... He soon discovers that it will take a super family effort to rescue the world from total destruction.